Sunday 29 September 2013

Happy Birthday, Yan!

Happy birthday Yanviani! She's my roommate who's having her birthday on Sept 29, which is yesterday. Or an hour ago. Ha! Anyway, actually she doesn't live in the same unit as I do, but she spends most of her time in my unit. Plus, she nowadays sleeps in my room ;)
We did a surprise for her at 12.30 am. I went to the bathroom to lit up the candles on her cupcakes while the others distract her. We did it pretty well, I think. When I came out everyone started singing the happy birthday song. She seemed to be happy ^^ we gave her the present, not sure about her expression but I think the shirt is okay lol. And then she fed all of us. The cupcakes were very good that we finished them right away lol. It feels great to make someone happy :)

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