Monday 30 September 2013

New Header!

New header! Altough this is a blog for school, I still want it to be pretty. Well, not that pretty. The template is still so freaking simple but actually I made an effort to make it prettier! ;) Finding the perfect template would be so time-consuming. Thus, I made a header instead. Working with photoshop makes me happy anyway ;)
"Life as we know it" came to my mind when I first thought of making a header. It's actually a movie, played by one of my favorite actors, Josh Duhamel. I don't really like the movie but well that was the thing that popped out of my head so whatever just I just wrote it down.
So, there she is, the header that I made ;)

Sunday 29 September 2013

Food from Hometown #5

Welcome back to Foor from Hometown ep. 5! lol. Today's post is about lontong. You must've known lontong, right? Lontong is some kind of a rice cake. When cooked, it was wrapped with banana leaf so the color outside is green but the color inside is white.
Lontong is served with Lodeh soup and sambal boiled egg/beef rendang. Lontong is usually sold in the morning because it's considered as a breakfast food. A lot of stalls that sell lontong, but I like this one on the photo the best. It's called Lontong Warintek. Lontong Warintek is just like any other lontong, except for one thing. They serve Lontong with sweeten potato chips that are so good. It's a perfect combination! It sounds uninteresting but trust me it's so good. After I knew that Lontong Warintek is that good, I stop buying lontong at any other stalls XD here's a photo of it:

Happy Birthday, Yan!

Happy birthday Yanviani! She's my roommate who's having her birthday on Sept 29, which is yesterday. Or an hour ago. Ha! Anyway, actually she doesn't live in the same unit as I do, but she spends most of her time in my unit. Plus, she nowadays sleeps in my room ;)
We did a surprise for her at 12.30 am. I went to the bathroom to lit up the candles on her cupcakes while the others distract her. We did it pretty well, I think. When I came out everyone started singing the happy birthday song. She seemed to be happy ^^ we gave her the present, not sure about her expression but I think the shirt is okay lol. And then she fed all of us. The cupcakes were very good that we finished them right away lol. It feels great to make someone happy :)

Yesterday's Outing

I went out with one of my roommates yesterday. A break, finally! We went to buy some cupcakes and a present for another roommate of ours. We went to 313@Somerset and bought her a shirt from F21. Hopefully she likes it :"
And then we went to Bugis Junction to buy the cupcakes. We bought only 3 cupcakes cause awww we're broke it's the end of the month lol. And then we bought some sparking candles for her to blow. We're going to surprise her at 1, pretending to forget her birthday lol. Gonna post the surprise on the next post! Anyway here's my outfit:

Friday 27 September 2013

Fridays and Saturdays and Sundays

This is how I spent my Fridays. I don't have any class on Fridays, so I do my homework on Fridays. And Saturdays. And Sundays. I never finish my homework at the moment, I'll do it halfway and tomorrow I'll do the other half, or maybe half of the half. Get it? lol
Anyway, that's one of the many things that I want change about my self. I want me to finish my homework right here right now. Mostly I'd do my homework for an hour and then play/relax for one hour and.... just repeat the cycle. Or on any other day, I'd just give up doing the homework and lay on my bed all day long. But today I only lay on my bed for one hour and that's it! An improvement, right? Hopefully by next week I'd be able to finish all my homework by Friday and do something else on
Saturday and Sunday. Hopefully.

Food from Hometown #4

Aaaaand, it's another noodle soup. Actually it's not called noodle soup, it's called 'mie bakso' (bakso noodle). Bakso is meatballs in English. While meatballs are mostly 100% percent minced meat, bakso have more flour than minced meat. The name for the mie bakso is 'Bakso Mas Joko'; Mas Joko is the seller of the mie bakso. He sells it in some kind of a cart.
Just like noodle soup, there are 3 types of noodle that you can choose. I've always chosen kway teow and yellow noodle mixed together (even in Mi Sop Gurila I also choose these two types). Then they'd put boiled chicken that are already cut into small pieces, bakso, and kerupuk (crackers).
The best thing about this noodle soup is the bakso. I don't generally like bakso, so Bakso Mas Joko must be very good, right? ;)

Thursday 26 September 2013

Last Night's Dinner

This is what we had for dinner last night. We used to cook so much but these days not so much because we're too lazy and cooking is so time-consuming. Hehe.
We had baked chicken (basically it's satay without the skewers), boiled spinach, potato, and noodle; all served with peanut sauce. It's Indonesian food, in Indonesia we either have variants of vegetables and noodle with peanut sauce or satay with peanut sauce. But we combined it lah lol ;)
Everything was perfect except for the chicken. I was in charge of it ;_; so sorry guys. But we finished the chicken anyway lol. In the end, we had a good dinner. Happy tummy!

Food from Hometown #3

The third food would be dim sum. You'd ask, what's so special about dim sum? That dim sum is the best in town, no doubt. I have cousins who live in Jakarta, and when they come to visit Medan the food that they'd ask would be this dim sum. If you happen to visit Medan, this dim sum is highly recommended! The restaurant name is Nelayan.
Nelayan's dim sum is so good, not even sure why. Maybe they put somekind of a drug to make it addictive lol. My favorite would be Pangsit Goreng, which is friend wonton with mayonaise on top. SO GOOD! When I went back to Medan for a week I had Nelayan's dim sum three times. Yes, it's that good!


Soooo I'm currently reading a book by Meg Cabot, who is famous for her novel 'The Princess Diaries', titled 'Abandon'. It's a trilogy, and Abandon is the first book. My best friend that I had mentioned on this blog, Fysa, read this book and she said, "I finished the book at 3 and guess what I have a presentation at 9 tomorrow. It's so thrilling!" I've read Meg Cabot's novel before, and I also find the novel very thrilling. I like the thrilling feeling so I borrow the book from Fysa to read it. Right now I'm halfway finished (it's been 2 weeks + by the way), and I find the book.. Okay. Like, okay, not really recommended. Right now I kind of force my self to finish the book just because I hate leaving books unfinished. I'll post a review later when I'm done okay ;)


I only had a brother, so since I was so little I kept asking for a bigger sister. It's not even possible lol. So I asked for a younger sister instead. My mom got pregnant but the baby passed away before she was even born :(
I have two older cousins that are female. I consider them as my youngest sisters and consider their mom as my second mom. I used to be happy when my mom and dad went away for a job, because by that we were allowed to sleep at my cousins' even at school night :)
 I was so sad because nowadays I can't see them that often anymore because I'm in Singapore :( I promise when I get to my hometown I'll meet them as often as possible.
I love you, sisters <3
Photo was taken when they went to Singapore to visit me ^^

Cupcakes by Valerie

Yesterday I got to eat cupcakes! Not one, but two! Relax, we shared. I'm not eating them all for my self ;) The cupcakes were made by my dearest classmate, Valerie. Valerie, I love you! She made two flavors of cupcakes, Peanut Butter and Chocolate. They were nice. Inside both flavors you'll find generous amount of chocolate-chip. Nice right? The Peanut Butter was topped with of course peanut butter, and the Chocolate was topped with Nutella spread. Some said Peanut Butter was better and some other said that Chocolate was better. I like both equally since I like sweets so much hehehe. Thank you so much for the cupcakes, Valerie! <3 <3

Favorite Bubble Tea

I love bubble tea. Any kind of brand, as long as the bubbles were smooth. But you know what, the only flavor I have is Bubble Milk Tea. No variation right >.> I went to Singapore for a holiday a year ago, and the bubble tea was so trending. So my friend who was studying in Singapore ask me to go to a bubble tea stall that my hometown didn't have. At first I wanted to order Bubble Milk Tea AGAIN, but when I saw the menu, I saw 'Salted Caramel Milk Tea'. I ordered that one and IT WAS SO AWESOME. FAVORITE BUBBLE MILK TEA NOW, THEN, AND FOREVER. I haven't find other brand that serves that flavor, so for now Salted Caramel Milk Tea with Bubble from Artease is my favorite flavor of bubble milk tea :)

Oh, Is It Love?

Sadly, no, I'm not in love :)
These people on the photo above are the people that I've known for the longest time. It was taken 3 days before I
leave to Singapore to study here. My mom was preventing me from going but I insist. It will most likely be the last time we spent time together being teenagers (or children) before we go to college and move away. I wanted to have something to remember about them. We went to a theme park and although the rides were crappy, it didn't matter because I'm with them and it's one of the best things in the world.
This post is dedicated to the people inside the photo. I love you and I miss you all so much! <3

Our friendship bracelet. I'm the only one that is still wearing this hahaha! Proof that I'm faithful ;)


WE FINISHED OUR 2D GROUP PROJECT!!!! So happy I could die I feel like a burden has been lifted. We started on tutorial week but since I couldn't make it they did it without me. But of course I'm not that mean by doing nothing, they left me some parts to be done. I finished my part earlier this week and on Tuesday and earlier today we came together to do it and it's finished :) It's made on an A0 black board with wires, aluminium foil, paper clips, and safety pins plugged and pasted onto the board. We are happy with the outcome, and hopefully the teacher will feel the same. Fingers crossed!
The teaser of the 2D project. Post the full-size later ;)

Food from Hometown #2

The second food that I'd miss when I'm gone would be Mi Sop Gurila. It's close to my high school, so I used to go there a lot. Once a week should be considered often, no? Moving on, Mi Sop Gurila is a noodle soup. You can choose three types of noodle, bee hon, kway teow, or yellow noodle (regular noodle). And then, for the compliment (and also the thing that makes Mi Sop Gurila different), they have risoles. It's somekind of a spring roll but the skin is a lot thicker. Dip the risoles to the soup and you'll find yourself in heaven lol. I usually order half portion of mi sop and order a portion of the risoles. Oh no, now I feel like eating it :/

Monday 23 September 2013

Weekend Outing

I was craving for Monster Curry the whole weekdays. If I could eat alone, I would. But you know how big a portion of Monster Curry right? You need to share it unless you're too freaking hungry.
So in the end I asked my housemate to go eat with me. She said yes ^^ We went to the Monster Curry at ION because my housemate said she also wanted to go to Daiso.
We ordered Cheese Chicken Katsu Curry with 1 flame spicy choice, but in the end we set aside the chili lol. Yes it's fattening but it's so delicious I could die! Happy tummy :)

Food from Hometown #1

I'm posting the foods that I'd miss and would remind me of home when I'm in Singapore. These foods were sold in stalls, so they wouldn't cost you a fortune, only $1-$2 per serving. But some of them got so famous (and expensive) that they'd cost you $5/serving, it's expensive considering the ugly place. But they're so good so whatever lah.

The first one would be Martabak. Singapore also have martabak right? But this one is different, it's sweet. It's soft and chewy, I don't really know how to explain the texture. And usually inside there'd be cheese, chocolate, peanut, or you can have it plain. Just request for whatever you like. It's very very fattening so actually I ate this like once or twice in a year lol :p

Thursday 19 September 2013

Locked Outside at the Balcony

So two nights ago I was doing my 3D project, which is to construct something out of unused electronics. I was trying to smash the electronics, but it wasn't working, so my roommates suggest that we use the sliding door to the balcony to smash it. I suggested that I push the sliding door from the other side, which is the balcony, while my roommates push the door from the inside.
So we push the sliding door, but the electronics wasn't broken -_- We eventually decided to give up, but oh my the door was jammed! I was locked outside, all alone! At first instead of being scared I was laughing, along with my roommates. But then after 5 minutes of trying to open the door and pathetically fail, I got kind of scared. My ro
ommates were sure that they wouldn't be able to open the door ;_;
There was a window that is like 1 meter away from the balcony. They asked me wether I had the guts to jump. Of course I didn't. I didn't know where my hands should be and it was like meters away from the ground. One of my roommate was brave enough to try to jump from the window to the balcony and she succeeded! She jumped back to the window and I learnt how to jump. LOL it sounds so stupid. So in the end I tried to be brave and managed to jump to the window. YAAAY I'm saved!!!!
The photo that I took while being locked out lol

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Happy Birthday, Mom!

Last Sunday was Mom's birthday, also being my last day in my hometown, Medan. Yes I went home for a while :D
I already bought a gift. Well actually it was 100% Dad's money, but hey I was the one that bought it, so give me some credit lah :p We at first wanted to surprise her by giving her a birthday cake on midnight. My brother bought the cake and hid it, but Mom was so sure that she was given a surprise that she managed to find the cake -_- so we canceled the surprise lol. But we did surprise her with the gift somewhen before we went to a restaurant to celebrate her birthday and she cried, happily.
My flight was at 6 PM, so we actually had time to celebrate it. We went to a seafood restaurant named 'Lembur Kuring'. There was 14 of us, me, Mom, Dad, my brother, my grandparent, 2 aunties, 2 uncles, and 4 cousins. We had somekind of an early lunch there because Dad afraid that I'd be rushed to the airport, so we had it at around 11.30 lol. It had been ages since we last had lunch/dinner together with the whole family. I did have fun! <3


I used to hate beancurd you knooooow. But there's Rochor Original Beancurd near my hostel, and my roommate said that it was very famous. She likes beancurd so much that one day she took me there.
I hated beancurd so I never actually buy it. But if you keep going there you'll eventually like the idea of beancurd and in the end you will buy right?? So that's what happened to me lol. I grew to like beancurd. Right now I'm in love with beancurd! No that much lah, but enough for me to buy one per week lol. Also, today I have a bowl of beancurd at the school. It's even better than the one at Rochor because it's chocolate-flavored. Yummmm <3

Monday 9 September 2013

Remember Me?

I recetly had just finished a book by Sophie Kinsella, who was best known by her book 'Confessions of a Shopaholic'. The book was a best-seller and managed to be adapted into a movie. The title of the book that I read is 'Remember Me?'.
Here's the synopsis that I made:
It was about a 28 year-old who woke up in a hospital thinking that she was still 25 year-old. She lost 3 years of her memory but her life is perfect--she's pretty, she's rich, and guess what, she's now the boss of the company where she used to be a junior employer. And she also has a gorgeous husband who also happens to be a millionaire and lives in a huge loft.
With her mind stuck three years in the past, she lives her new life bravely. The perfect life turns out to be a lot more complicated than she could handle.
She's the bitchy boss that everyone hated, including her dear and beloved friends. She also met an architect that told her that she had an affair with him, and that she doesn't love her husband.
Relax, I won't spoil anything :) read the book, I recommend it if you like chick lit. When you start reading it you won't feel like stopping. I finish this book only in 3 days hehehe. Happy reading!

Wednesday 4 September 2013


This weekend there was an annual event at Sands Expo & Convention, it's the Singapore Game, Toy, & Comic Convention, or SGTCC for short. So I went there with my ultimate-best-friend-since-high-school named Fysa. Yeaaaah only the two of us.
I have always been a huge fan of toys, it's just whenever I want to buy some Mom would yell at me. Since most of the days I'm separated from Mom (she's in Medan, Indonesia) I can actually buy some toys here in Singapore. I also find toys in Singapore have more varieties than in Medan. My roommate also happens to be a toys-buyer, so I feel kind of encouraged to buy toys. Ha!
Ok, to be honest I didn't buy anything there. LOL. I was looking for Star Wars toys that fit my budget, but they didn't actually have that much choice. But I did enjoy going there, there was a huge Iron Man exhibitions!!!! (Me and Fysa were huge fans of Iron Man) Real life suits! That was like ultra amazing. They were so big that I felt like screaming. I think that was the reason why they didn't have much of Star Wars toys, because of the Iron Man exhibitions. People were selling more Marvel stuffs.
I also met cosplayers. I took pictures with those who dressed as Stromtroopers. There were also Darth Vader (he was the ultimate villain in Star Wars) but didn't get a picture with him because I have to pay $2. Who the hell do he think he is? >.>
We only spent two hours at the event, which was a poor thing since we needed to pay $19. There was a lot of anime, but the both of us didn't like anime. The excitement was gone after we finished taking pictures with the Iron Man exhibitions. But that's okay because seeing the exhibitions and taking pictures with Stromtroopers were enough for me. See you next year, SGTCC! Hopefully.

This is Fysa :D